Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Where In the Werld??? Wednesday

It has recently been brought to my Big Brown attention that it's been one whole year since I posted to this blog. This information came to me via my Labradork friend, Pea (aka:Dexter). Seems I was unaware of a fan that I had in Chester from Winnipeg who visited frequently and due to my absence, has been concerned as to my whereabouts.

Well, let me tell ya - I'm still livin' life to the fullest measure and causin' all the trouble for my PUs that I can. Trouble is, my editor and publisher (aka: Mom) has had her hands full with family health issues that have prevented her from documentin' my adventures. As much as I would love to keep my toes in the bloggin' werld, my perfection tendencies will not allow me to do a half <cough> job  post anything less than what I consider to be top-notch. I've always been a "full-tilt or nuthin'" kinda dawg.

That bein' said (No, I have not been gone so long that I've forgotten that I'm not supposed to say anythin' today. Call me a rebel if you will), I am gonna hold a bizness meetin' and see if I can get her offa her lazy bum  just take over and do it my ownself from time to time.

I DO miss keepin' up with all the bloggin' friends that I made, and it saddens me that I've lost touch with so many great dawgs and their 2 leggers. I hope you are all well and havin' FUN. 

***And, Thank-You - Chester from Winnipeg for your concern. I am not werthy of such adoration. OK, mebbee a little but.................NAH! - I was just pullin' your tail there. BOL!!!

Woofs and slobbers,
Chester ;-)


Dexter said...

Thanks for posting so that your readers know what is up with you. Still enjoying Big Brown Adventures.


houndstooth said...

It's so good to see a post from you, Chester! You know we love hearing what you have to say!


P.S. We'll have to see what happens for Gettysburg next year. We'd really like to go, but Dad has a strong no confidence vote on the van making the trip!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good to hear from you, Chester. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. We haven't been around as much either since we lost Thunder. But we do hope you will post now and then so we know all is well.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Chester from Winnipeg said...

Hi Chester,

Chester from Winnipeg here, and so glad that you are well and hoping all family health issues are at peace too! My mom gets made fun of by daughters #1 and #2 for her "obsession" with lab blogs, but mom feels a kinship and friendship with all lab folks. You, my friend, were our first discovery of lab blogs when I was adopted from Lab Rescue and mom wondered about my sad past. She "googled" Chocolate lab Chester to see if there had been ads for me for sale or giveaway before I was taken into rescue and she found you! Our resemblance is startling and mom was hooked! Sorry to be so long winded, but welcome back, and thanks to Dexter and him mom (who we check on daily!) Wish you were all close enough for a play/coffee date!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo sure your blog hasn't been hakhked?


Little Reufus said...

Habby Wordy Wednesday!!! I'm so habby yeu are back!!!

Woofs and slobbers from Little Reufus

World of Animals, Inc said...

It's just so pawsome to hear from you. We always love your posts and can't believe that is has been a year. Time really does go back fast. Thanks for sharing the update. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

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