Hiya folks! I hope you all had a very nice Thanksgivin' day and if'n you are a Black Friday shopper I hope you scored lotsa great deals. I, my ownself had a dogtor appointment - which wasn't too bad until he decided to squirt that Bordetella juice up my nose as a prevention against kennel cough. I won't go into detail about that other than there were a couple vet techs who had their hands full.
I'll say no more.
I don't know if Mom was feelin' bad for lettin' the dogtor do that to me, or if she was still guilt trippin' over havin' done nuthin' for my birthday. Whatever it was, she stopped at the local pet store and scooped me up a couple new toys. It was high time I had a new football, my other one has been in need of replacement for quite some time. (He now resides at the local dump just in case you are wonderin'.) The other toy is different ~ I never had one that came with pre-made holes.
I kinda like my new Holey Moley....
....bein' all squishy and stuff and easy to carry.
If you should happen to hear Mom hollerin' "Holy Moley" now, it's not 'cuz of sumpthin' I did - it's 'cuz she wants me to retrieve my new toy.
But I guarantee, if somebody tries to do this to my Moley, I'll bite 'em.
Holey Moley ~ it's time for us to get back work again already!!!
Chester ;0=)
Thank goodness you made out good in the end of that ordeal with some cool toys
Benny & Luly
Very cool toy - but will it last? :)
Guacamole!!! I'm glad to see your name is on your new football. There should be no confusion!!
That Holy Moley might make a holy roller out of you, Chester! I'm glad you finally got some new toys, though!
"Mole! Mole! There's a bloody mole!"
The old up the nose trick, eh? Snort, snort. I bet you put up a good fight.
It looks like you will be having some fun!
Let me just say, you have a beautiful dog!! I recently lost my Greyhound and I have to say looking at pictures of happy dogs makes a lot of the pain disappear! I noticed you have some shots of him playing with some toys...I just opened up my own online pet supply business and we have about 15,000 for every animal you can think of! Take a look around and if you see something you like, go ahead and take advantage of our grand opening sale! Also, use the code BLOG and save 15%! The website is www.petsuppliesrus.co!
Dude you had a tune up too!What gives. For a minute I thought you became a holy rollah and saw a holy ghost. Glad it's only the Holey Moley. Mom must've felt bad for you but who cares. Buuuuaaahh toys toys more toys.
well Chester at least you have new toys, so the vet visit wasn't so bad
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