Mom has asked me to allow her to speak her mind here today so the following post is from her.
My random posting schedule will resume next week.
Thank-you and have a great weekend,
Chester ;0=)
Hello friends!
Yesterday's post ended the silly, summer-long spoof of me being lost in Lake Marberg. Of course I was not in the lake and was enjoying the summer right along with Chester and my family.
Today is September 11th and as we all well know, 8 years ago many loved ones were forever lost in the terrorist attacks at New York City, Washington DC, and Shanksville, PA. I had the opportunity to visit the memorial in Shanksville last year and was deeply touched by the sentiments sent by people from all over the world. The mood was somber and respectful of those who will never return to their families. As you look over the pictures, let's all remember those who were lost and the ones left who have been forced to learn to live life without them.
Not to be forgotten either are those who are keeping our enemy at bay in our Armed Forces.
THANKS to each and every one who has served, or are serving our country in the military, and to your families back home. It is because of you that we can enjoy the freedoms of the United States of America.
God bless you, each and every one.
Chester's Mom
Saturday Sharing
17 hours ago
I couldn't agree with you more... Thank you to all the service men and women from the past, present and future. May they all come home safely.
Remembering with you.
Thank you. For this. Thank you.
A wonderful post for this day. Thanks for reminding us all to stop and remember, and take nothing for granted...
Mom and I khonkhur with Life With Dogs...
Take nothing fur granted!
Tank woo fur your post...
There are no words to describe that day but they will always be remembered!
Great post - this is a day to never forget.
Well said!
your canadian friends,
Nika + Parker
Thank you for sharing these pictures, a truly moving post. For remembering those that perished on that awful day....and the service-men and women we have since lost.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of when my friend lost her husband, he was in the Nimrod that went down over Kandahar. His son is in my son's class and his daughter in my daughter's. 15 children from our small town were left without fathers. Absolutely heartbreaking. We celebrate their lives and are eternally grateful for the sacrifice they made and that service men and women continue to make. And it all began with this senseless act.
God bless every last one of them and those they left behind xx
Thanks for helping us to remember this day forever. We will never forget.
Hugs xo
Chester and Mom
Thanks for sharing your photos of Shanksville. It really personalizes the tribute. It's very touching and sad. We will never forget.
Thanks for sharing the photos. I honestly don't know if I would have the courage to even visit that place. Even 8 years later, the memories are still so real.
Thank you for sharing. We were on vacation this year on Sept. 11th, but the memories of that crushing day 8 years ago were on my mind. My heart goes out to everyone that suffered tremendous loss from the heinous attacks. As I sat on the beach, 9-11-09, I thought about all the service men and women protecting our freedom, and did my best to enjoy the peaceful day.
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