Chester: Wow Mom! You certainly are lookin' rested and ready to go this mornin'. You do know it's Monday, right?
Chester's Mom: Yeah, I know it's Monday Ches. Thanks to you and all your help with my housework this weekend I feel pretty good going to work knowing that our house is all clean and sparkly. You did a great job and I really appreciate it. I only have one complaint and it has nothing to do with what you did.
Chester: Well thanks Mom, glad I could help you out. But what seems to be the problem?
Chester's Mom: Well, for some odd reason I have this "crappy" taste in my mouth. I used Scope and I even brushed twice trying to get rid of it. I can't figure it out.
Chester: Hmmmmm.....that's odd, hopefully it will go away soon.
Heh, heh, heh. Let's all hope this week doesn't let a crappy taste in your mouth.
Chester ;0=)
Tuesday Telling
9 hours ago
No bad taste here - our humans are taking a vacation week which means they are here to wait on us all week long. Paradise!
Is that Scope or toilet bowl cleaner for potty mouth?
We are praying for a happy and restful week.
Woofs and Wags,
Oh Chester!
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Awesome. Although I'm not sure I want you bartending at any of my parties. Please tell me you gave her a blue breath mint while you were "helping".
HaaHaa HeeHee What a great idea Chester! I guess we will have to put our toothbrushes out of your reach when you come around though.
Just curious... what's in the spray bottle?
xo Sammie
I'm sure woo helped flush her system!
Oh no, she didn't!
Chester you were just trying to get everything. Using mom's brush makes things extra clean right?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Chester what a good boy you are. I usually lay down by mom and watch her clean
Benny (& Lily)
You didn't?! Well, at least the bowl is clean...
LOL... Ringo sends *high fives* back to Chester... and a blue mint too. And he'll share his next opossum. :)
Hee hee.. you are always messing with mom. I'm sure her breath smells DELICIOUS!
You are a nut job. I love it.
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