Wednesday, January 07, 2009

My bewwy huwts!

Today's post will not be showing any pictures. I don't think Mom would appreciate me showing my bedroom like it was when she opened the door this morning. Ya see, I had "issues" last night and without getting too explicit, let's just say I had both ends workin' last night. When Mom opened the door the look on her face was kinda hard to describe. I tried to get outside, I really did. I thought maybe if I pulled on the rug hard enough it would open the door but it didn't. And she had a hard time finding where to step. She told me to stay and then once she maneuvered past my "deposits" she opened the door so I could go outside. While I went out to do my usual business, she rolled up the rug and cleaned up with some smelly cleaning spray. I think it may have been something I ate last night when Dad had me out in the fields for a walk. At least I think so, unless I caught the flu bug that Dad had on Monday. Mom sure has had alot of cleaning to do this week. First Dad, now me. I really, really hope she don't get it 'cause neither Dad or me can handle cleaning that stuff. I think Moms come equipped with something special that allows them to take care of stuff like that. She wasn't mad at me or nothing. Well, I think you get the picture and hopefully I haven't ruined your breakfast. I'm gonna go take a nap. Take care and I'll be lettin' ya know how I feel later. Chester


Kris10 said...

Oh poor Chester. I really hope your feeling better soon. That stuff in the field may smell great to you, but you gotta think how your belly will feel. Take it easy.

Mallory said...

Awww! Poor Chester. Feel better. It definitely could have been something you ate. So many outdoor things can do that too a pup. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Well, Chester the molester. The same thing happened to my brother the other day, but mom and I know what happened. Dad gave Bennie too much ice cream and apparently he is lactose intolerant. He had an upset stomach and had to take a half tablet of Pepcid and all seems to be right with the world.
you buddy,

Hebnix said...

Oh..... poor buddy! You keep that up, your mom will need a strong stomach for when she's babysitting your buddy Tequilla when we are in China! HA HA!

Hope you butt, and belly both feel better. Shame on her for locking you away in the room!

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